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Trust Board meeting agenda: 7 February 2024

Wednesday 7 February 2024 in the Damson Meeting Room, Junction 36 Rural Auction Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria LA7 7NU

Please note the meeting will also take place via Microsoft Teams

Commencing at 9am


160 Welcome and Introductions 

161 Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on 6 December 2023

162 Action Sheet and Matters arising from the Minutes of the Public Meeting of the Board of Directors held on 6 December 2023

163 Patient Story
A presentation from a ward manager at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary which details how the team have significantly reduced inpatient falls on Ward 22 at the RLI and the procedures which were implemented and embedded to reduce falls with harm. This story is being shared with the Board of Directors to highlight the improvement to reduce the number of falls within the Trust when working with patients who are at risk of falling and have a history of recurrent falls. The story also reflects the impact this has on nursing staff.

164 Chair’s Report

165 Chief Executive’s Report

166 Head Governor Report

167 Care Quality Commission (CQC) Report and Update

168 Maternity Safety Update
A report to provide an update of continuing monitoring and action taken on Quality, Performance and Service Delivery against national and local drivers within the Maternity and Neonatal Services. The following reports have been considered by the Quality Committee, and appended to the report:
 i. Avoiding Term Admissions into Neonatal Units (ATAIN) and Transitional Care Report
ii. MBBRACE Maternal, Newborn and Infant Clinical Outcome Review Programme 2022

169 i Integrated Performance Dashboard and Report Month 8 incorporating matters raised by the Executive Team and through the Assurance Committees.

169 ii Minutes and 3A Reports from Assurance Committees
a) Audit Committee Minutes from Meetings on 26 and 30 October 2023 and 3A Report from Meeting on 18 January 2024.

Standing Financial Instructions and Scheme of Delegation
 A report to seek approval of the Trust’s Standing Financial Instructions (SFI’s) and associated Scheme of Delegation. The SFI’s have undergone extensive reviews and simplification to provide a more useable document that can be widely communicated and understood by all staff working in the Trust. This report has been considered by the Audit Committee.

b) People Committee Minute from Meeting on 30 November 2023 and 3A Report from Meeting on 22 January 2024

NHS Sexual Safety Charter
A report that outlines the requirements of the NHS Sexual Safety Charter, which UHMBT have formally adopted and requires approval by the Board of Directors. This report has been considered by the People Committee.
c) Finance and Performance Committee Minutes from Meeting on 18 December 2023 and 3A Report from Meetings on 18 December 2023 and 22 January 2024
d) Quality Committee Minutes from Meetings on 27 November 2023 and 18 December 2023 and 3A Report from Meetings on 18 December 2023 and 22 January 2024

Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) Update
A report to present the revised PSIRF proposal. This report has been considered by the Quality Committee.

170 Quarter 3 Review – Strategic Priorities / Key Areas of Focus and Board Assurance Framework Review A report to provide assurance on progress during Quarter 3 against the Trust’s portfolio priorities aligned to the 2023/24 Trust Priorities:

  • Deliver outstanding care and experience
  • Create the culture and conditions for our colleagues to be the very best they can be
  • Make the best use of our physical and financial resources
  • Working in partnership

This report has been considered by the Assurance Committees. As part of this item, the Board will review the Board Assurance Framework.

172 Provider Collaboration Update

173 New Hospital Programme Quarter 3 Report

174 UHMB New Hospital Governance Structure

175 Chief Medical Officer Update

176 Freedom to Speak Up Bi-Annual Report

177 Risk Management Strategy

178 Policy and Publications Report

179 Attendance Monitoring Register

180 Schedule of Business

181 Urgent Business

182 Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting: Wednesday 6 March 2024 at 10am in the Board Room, Westmorland General Hospital, Kendal LA9 7RG and also via Microsoft Teams