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Trust Board meeting agenda - 4 September 2024

Wednesday 4 September 2024 in the Board Room, Westmorland General Hospital, Burton Road, Kendal LA9 7RG.

Please note the meeting will also take place via Microsoft Teams.

Commencing at 9am.


48 Welcome and Introductions

49 Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on 1 May 2024

50 Action Sheet and Matters arising from the Minutes of the Public Meeting

51 Patient Story

52 Chair’s Report

53 Chief Executive’s Report

54 Head Governor Report

55 CQC Improvement Plan Update

56 Maternity Update Report

57i Integrated Performance Dashboard and Report Month 3 incorporating matters raised by the Executive Team and through the Assurance Committees

57ii Minutes and 3A Reports from Assurance Committees

58 Winter Preparedness

59 UHMB People Strategy

60 Inclusion Reporting 2023/24

61 Provider Collaboration Update

62 Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy 2024-2027

63 Appraisal, Revalidation and Medical Governance Report

64 Board Assurance Framework 2024/25

65 Annual Health and Safety Report

66 Attendance Monitoring Register

67 Schedule of Business

68 Urgent Business

69 Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting: Wednesday 6 November 2024 at 10am in the Board Room, Westmorland General Hospital, Kendal LA9 7RG and also via Microsoft Teams.