Childrens Outpatients

Children and young people who are referred to see a specialist children’s doctor will be asked to attend an appointment within the Children’s Outpatient department. Children’s Outpatients appointments are provided from the Royal Lancaster Infirmary (RLI) and Furness General Hospital (FGH).

There are many different types of children’s clinics held in the department; some are general clinics led by local consultants whilst others offer a specialist service by a visiting consultant.  Some clinics are nurse led; these tend to offer certain procedures or review of specific conditions.

Your parent or guardian is welcome to attend your appointment with you, this is essential if you are under 16.  If you would like to speak to the doctor or nurse by yourself please let us know.  If you need an interpreter we can arrange this for you.

Once you have arrived at the department, your doctor or nurse will let you know when it is your turn to be seen. You will have your height and weight measured, you may also have your blood pressure checked and a urine test, and your doctor may also request a blood test. Don’t worry about these tests, the Doctor or Nurse will explain everything carefully and make sure you are comfortable with any procedure before it happens. The results of these tests will help your doctor to make decisions with you about your condition and treatment.

RLI – third floor of the Women’s Unit
FGH – opposite the Children’s ward on level 4

RLI – 01524 516237 & 01524 516238
FGH – 01229 491271