Integrated Care Communities

What is an Integrated Care Community (ICC)

‘Integrated Care Communities (ICC) are integrated teams of health and care workers, voluntary organisations and wider community assets who work together with an aim of promoting and maintaining community independence, improving quality of life, reducing the risk of hospitalisation and supporting earlier discharge from hospital.'

The Integrated Care staff can help to make sure your wishes are heard, so you can feel in control when decisions are being made about your health and well-being. There are 8 Integrated Care Communities across Morecambe Bay reflecting the geography and natural communities in existence.

All GP registered patients are eligible to join voluntary groups and local ICC events; for health care if you have been in hospital recently; or you have visited your GP more regularly in the last few months, due to your long-term illness you may be referred to the ICC Health Care Team

A case manager/care coordinator/care navigator, dependent upon need, will be assigned as your point of contact they can help you to:

  • Plan and co-ordinate ways to meet your health and social care needs.
  • Support you to look after your health as much as you can to stay well.
  • Recognise when you are running into difficulties and so get help sooner.

ICCs have well established relationships with local councils and public health colleagues across the Bay, and all have active participation in activities relating to preventing, detecting and protecting our communities from developing ill health.

Your Local Teams

Referrals can be made directly to the nearest team or via GP practices. We see anyone over the age of 18 years

Contact Details

Ulverston Health Centre
Tel: 01229 484028​​​​​​​

Grange Medical Practice
Tel: 01539 777252​​​​​​​

Captain French Surgery
Tel: 01539 777337

Millom Community Hospital
Tel: 01229 402800

2 Fairfield Lane, Barrow
Tel: 01229 402578

Milnthorpe Community Offices 
Tel: 01539 777297

Carnforth Clinic
Tel: 01524 591643

Heysham Medical Centre
Tel: 01524 518520

Tel: 01524 238154

Rosebank Surgery, Lancaster