Teenage and Young Adults with Cancer

If you are 16 to 18 and are being treated for cancer, your treatment should be at a principal treatment centre (PTC) for teenagers and young adults. The PTC in the North West is The Christie NHS Foundation Trust.

PTCs are certain hospitals that are specialised experts in TYA cancer. This might not be the hospital closest to your home, but it will be the most experienced in giving your individual treatment.

If you are 19 to 24, you may be able to choose the hospital you go to. Depending on the type of cancer you have, you may be able to have treatment at a local hospital that links in with the PTC. These hospitals provide cancer care for young adults. This could be your local hospital.

Teenage and Young Adult outreach team

If you choose to have your treatment closer to home, you will be offered support from the Teenage and Young Adult outreach team in your area.

The Teenage and Young Adult outreach team is made up of a group of specially qualified and skilled clinical nurse specialists, youth workers and social workers who support and care for young people with cancer. They will work alongside your local medical and nursing team to help meet your age-specific needs and ensure you can access the same support as young people treated at the PTC.

The team offers 1 to 1 support for young people and their families through diagnosis and treatment. They work with your local medical team to help coordinate your care and address your individual needs as a young person, both in hospital and at home.

Further support about your place of care choice

Your doctor or specialist nurse will be happy to discuss your choices with you. Wherever possible, you may be offered a visit to the TYA unit and to meet a member of the outreach team to help you make your decision about your place of care.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer and would like to discuss your choices about where you are cared for, you can contact the local TYA specialist nurse for further advice on choice and the support available.

TYA clinical outreach nurse specialist for Teenagers and Young Adults – Lancashire and South Cumbria