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Cancer of Unknown Primary

Cancer of unknown primary (CUP) means that cancer spread has been found in your body (secondary cancer), but your doctors can't find where cancer started (primary cancer).

If further tests still do not reveal the primary cancer, it will be diagnosed as a confirmed cancer of unknown primary (CUP).

Even if your doctors can’t be sure of the primary cancer, they might be able to suggest the most likely part of the body where the cancer started. This will help them to plan your treatment.

People are often referred to our teams/clinics by their GP. Once under our care, you'll be assessed by specialist staff who will then talk to you about your treatment options to help ease your symptoms. They can also tell you what tests or scans you might need to investigate the problem further.

Knowing where your cancer started helps doctors to decide the best types of treatment to use for your secondary cancer.  With cancer of unknown primary, it can be difficult to know what the best treatment might be.  However, treatment can be offered to help control any symptoms you might have.

Cancer of the Unknown Primary, Furness General Hospital - 01229 491289

  • Rachel Simpson - Acute Oncology Advanced Nurse Practitioner
  • Nicola White - Acute Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist

Cancer of the Unknown Primary, Royal Lancaster Infirmary / Westmorland General Hospital - 01524 583087

  • Sarah Cotter - Acute Oncology Advanced Nurse Practitioner
  • Hannah Darwen - Acute Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Karolina Dyminska - Acute Oncology Advanced Nurse Practitioner