Community Care: Adult Speech and Language Therapy

Adult Speech and Language Therapy

The Community Adult Speech and Language Therapy team supports individuals who have problems with communication, or eating, drinking, and swallowing across the South Lakes and North Lancashire area.

How we can help you

We assess and manage adults who have problems with communication or eating, drinking and swallowing (dysphagia).

  • Working together with you, your family 
  • and/or carers, this may include:
  • advice and guidance.
  • exercises, strategies or therapy.
  • changes to food or drink textures.
  • communication aids (equipment that can help you to communicate).
  • voice banking (storing recordings of your voice for future use).
  • referrals to other professionals or support services.

Common causes

Communication problems or dysphagia are usually caused by other health conditions such as:

  • neurological conditions such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease.
  • respiratory conditions e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 
  • age-related conditions such as frailty, or sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass and strength).

What to look out for:

If you notice any of the symptoms below, contact your GP to discuss a referral to the Community Adult Speech and Language Therapy team:

  • coughing or choking on food and/or drink.
  • a gurgly, wet-sounding voice.
  • bringing food/drink back up through the nose.
  • unintended weight loss because of swallowing problems.
  • recurrent chest infections or pneumonia.
  • people finding it difficult to understand you.
  • your voice becoming quieter.
  • slurring your words.
  • unable to find the right word.
  • a nasal sound to your voice (as though you have a blocked nose).

How to contact the team

  • If you live in Kendal and Barrow in Furness: telephone 01539 716730
  • If you live in Lancaster and Morecambe:  telephone 01524 591608
  • Email:

Date of Publication: 06/02/2025
Reference code:  PIL0249IND033
Date of next review: 01/02/2028