List of news
Published on: 2 December 2019
A new £80,000 DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) scanner has been installed at Westmorland General Hospital.
Published on: 27 November 2019
Let’s stop inappropriate use of gloves and: Enhance patient care Reduce the risk of dermatitis Cut down on landfill/protect the environment Reduce the risk of infection Cut down UHMBT’s annual usage of more than ten million gloves Save money…
Published on: 22 November 2019
The Trust showcased the benefits of its Analytic Command Centre to hundreds of industry thought-leaders, data and analytical experts and leaders from a wide range of industry sectors at the Qlik Data Revolution Tour in Stockholm on Wednesday 6 November.
Published on: 21 November 2019
I love this task I’ve set myself of spending time at least once a month in a different area of the Trust and then sharing it with everyone. I’ve started to receive invites now and that’s how I came to be at the ‘Works’ Department at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary recently. I knew they had something to do with fixing things and the boiler, but that was about it.
Published on: 21 November 2019
An unusual tour bus designed to put NHS staff and others in the shoes of people living with dementia, has visited the Royal Lancaster Infirmary (RLI). The ‘Virtual Dementia Tour’ by ‘Training2care’ was organized by Dianne Smith
Published on: 19 November 2019
Children’s health charity MedEquip4Kids is bringing a sense of calm to the busy Children’s Ward at Furness General Hospital in Barrow.
Published on: 18 November 2019
The Morecambe Bay Respiratory Network is working closely with 10 GP practices in Barrow and Millom to provide more support in the community for patients with long-term conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), interstitial lung disease (ILD) and bronchiectasis with the aim of reducing outpatient appointments and hospital admissions at Furness General Hospital.
Published on: 15 November 2019
Residents of North Lancashire and South Cumbria are being urged by respiratory clinicians to look out for the signs and symptoms of lung cancer during a national awareness month.
Published on: 15 November 2019
A new video has been created which shows how to reach the Endoscopy department at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary.
Published on: 14 November 2019
Ruth Marrison is one of 11 physiotherapists across Morecambe Bay who have trained to lead an exercise programme to help empower patients to self-manage osteoarthritis (chronic joint pain) of the knee and hip.