Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB is pleased to announce that it has secured neurology provision for South Cumbria from 1 April 2025.
Bespoke Healthcare has been awarded the contract to deliver the service following the decision by North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust (NCIC) to give notice on its contract, which will end on 31 March. NCIC is working with the new provider to ensure a seamless transition of services and patients, and the intention from both providers is to retain the current workforce where possible.
The service that will be commissioned from 1 April is a consultant-led service and further planning of how the team will be deployed will take place during the mobilisation phase before April.
In addition, the ICB is also working with other partners to ensure it builds longer-term sustainable neurosciences services across Lancashire and South Cumbria.
Staff who are affected have already been notified and discussions have started around retaining their services, letters have been sent to patients and key partners, local practitioners and stakeholders have also been informed.
To view the previous updates, visit: LSC Integrated Care Board: Update on neurology services in South Cumbria