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Chief Executive’s blog – February 2019

15 February 2019

Welcome to this month’s blog!

I’m sure many of you will be with me when I say January felt like the longest month! The mornings and nights are starting to get that little bit lighter – and since the snow at the end of last month has passed – it’s beginning to feel like we’re getting closer to spring, well a bit anyway!

In this blog, I wanted to update you on what the Trust is doing to prepare for Brexit; our refreshed strategy; our continuing operational planning for 2019/20 and our work on the NHS Long Term Plan – as well as letting you know what else I have been up to in the last month.

You can read my blog by clicking here. As with previous blogs, I’d appreciate it if you could share it within your teams, especially with colleagues who do not have access to a computer.

I hope you find my blog useful. As always, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions etc., feel free to get in touch. I’m continuing to post regular updates on Twitter using the #NHSCEOfirstyear hashtag so do head over and take a look; you can find me @aaroncumminsNHS.

Aaron Cummins
Chief Executive