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Annual Members' Meeting 2024

17 July 2024

University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust is holding our Annual Members’ Meeting on Monday September 16 2024, between 2pm and 4:30pm.

It will be held at the Education Centre, Royal Lancaster Infirmary, in Lancaster.

Everybody is welcome to attend our Annual Members’ Meeting. From 2pm we will be holding a ‘market place’ of hospital services joined by local third sector organisations. At the meeting, you will have the opportunity to hear about our progress and achievements, as well as ask questions of our Chief Executive, Chair, and Head Governor.

To submit a question in advance, please email companysecretary.office@mbht.nhs.uk

Lead Governor, Suzie Hayman, said: “Come and find out what is offered. We are keen to hear and act upon suggestions, complaints and compliments - find out more about becoming a governor yourself, to be able to have even more of a voice.”

Lorraine Crossley-Close, Deputy Lead Governor, said: “The AMM is always a highlight of the UHMBT calendar as we take the time to recognise and celebrate the excellent work that our colleagues and partners have done over the past year. It’s also a chance for Governors to meet with our members and local communities directly and get valuable feedback which is crucial for improving our services.”