The feedback from patients, carers, friends and family listed in this page are used to improve our hospital services and celebrate our successes. We also use the feedback to listen, learn, and improve the experiences of all who access our hospitals and community services.
Local Surveys
Breast Unit Satisfaction Survey
A local survey scheduled to be undertaken for 3 months. Started in July 2021. All patients will be sent a survey invitation link following their breast care appointment. The survey aims are to capture experiences and comments relating to the appointment and to act and learn from feedback. Themes included whether or not patients and their carers felt involved with the planning of care, whether they felt listened to, whether they understood the treatment plan and health advice etc
E-Booking Patient Feedback - August 2020 – November 2020
A local survey aimed at evaluating the use system of making electronic bookings
E-letters – August 2020 – November 2020
A local survey aimed at evaluating the use of electronic letters being sent out to patients via a link in a text message, as opposed to letters being posted out in paper form
Lancashire and Cumbria Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) – Ongoing
A survey designed to capture views from patients who are accessing ILD services across Lancashire and South Cumbria. Working in collaboration with the ILD Regional Multi-Disciplinary Team
Surgical Charter
A large, local survey undertaken in November 2020 that captured views of surgical patients who had accesses services over the previous 12 months. The results of the patient experienced survey influenced the content of the Set for Surgery Patient Charter
Estates and Facilities Patient Experience Survey Winter 2020
A comprehensive patient experience survey sent to all patients who had been inpatients during the months of January and February 2021. The survey specifically examined different elements under the Estates management including housekeeping, portering services, linen services, catering services and estates operational services (maintenance staff)
Elective Surgery at Westmorland General (Hololens Survey) – April 2021
A local survey to evaluate patient feedback following elective surgery at Westmorland General Surgery and the use of Hololens technology which enables remote consultation. The Hololens is a headset that allows video and audio to be linked to another area. It simulates a virtual world and allows clinicians to consult with patients virtually.
Integrated Musculoskeletal Service (IMSK) – May 2021
Providing links to the “Escape Pain” support information for IMSK patients
Video Conferencing Survey – October 2020
Local survey to evaluate patient views in respect of video conferencing appointments where a consultation is via video link as opposed to face to face
Royal Lancaster Infirmary Medical Unit Two Experience Based Co Design (EBCD) August 2021
- Acute Frailty Network Patient Questionnaire – Patient suggestions for improvements
- Acute Frailty Network Patient Questionnaire – Patient comments
- Acute Frailty Network Experience Based Design
Additional Surveys
National Surveys
Prepared |
Published |
Jan 2021-May 2021 |
October 2021 |
Adult Inpatients 2021 |
January 2022-May 2022 |
October 2022 |
Adult Inpatients 2022 |
Jan 2023-May 2023 |
October 2023 |
July 2022 |
Children & Young People 2020 |
Jan 2021-May 2021 |
November 2021 |
Children and Young People 2022 |
Jan 2023-May 2023 |
November 2023 |
Community Mental Health 2022 |
February 2022-June 2022 |
November 2022 |
Maternity 2021 |
Apr 2021-Aug 2021 |
January 2022 |
National Patient Experience Survey Programme for Inpatients |
Urgent and Emergency Care Survey 2020 |
October 2020-March 2021 |
September 2021 |
Urgent and Emergency Care Survey 2022 |
October 2022-March 2023 |
September 2023
National inpatient survey 2019 (published in July 2020)
The survey looks at the experiences of people who were discharged from an NHS acute hospital after spending at least one night in hospital during July 2019. Overall, 8.3 out of 10 respondents said they had a very good experience whilst being cared for in one of UHMBT’s hospitals. The Trust also ranked higher than most trusts in two questions – whether members of staff answered questions in a way that patients could understand, and whether staff explained how an operation or procedure had gone in a way patients could understand.
Compared with our results in the 2018 survey, we ranked significantly higher for five questions and significantly lower for none of the questions. There were no significant differences between last year’s and this year’s results for the remaining 56 questions.
Areas that the Trust has performed better compared to last year’s survey include:
- Patients having confidence and trust in Doctors and other clinical staff (e.g. physiotherapists, speech therapists, psychologists)
- Patients felt that different members of staff worked well together
- Patients felt involved in decisions about their care and treatment and in their discharge from hospital
- Patients felt that their privacy was maintained throughout examinations or treatment
- Patients felt that they were treated with respect and dignity
Your feedback is anonymous and can be given in the following ways:
You can click on the relevant survey link below:
Maternity Services survey
Emergency Services survey
Community Based Services survey
Outpatient Services survey
Furness General Hospital Inpatient Services survey
Royal Lancaster Infirmary Inpatient Services survey
Westmorland General Hospital Inpatient Services survey
You can text 07816 342131
The Patient Experience Team on 01229 404434
It has never been more important to know what matters and to find out what’s really important to people right now. We would love to hear from you and share your stories and comments. Please share your story and what matters to you in the form here.