Press and media enquiries

Our Corporate Communications team manages all media enquiries, internal communications to staff, the Trust social media channels and all filming / photography requests. We pride ourselves on responding as quickly as possible to members of the media and other stakeholders in an open and honest manner, and will accommodate requests whoever possible. 

During office hours (Monday-Friday, 8.30am - 5pm), please direct all media enquiries regarding the Trust and its staff or patients to the Corporate Communications Team via email:


The UHMBT Corporate Communications team does not operate an on call service outside of normal office hours. Any enquires received outside of normal office hours will be responded to as soon as possible but this could take at least two working days due to pressures related to COVID-19.   

Members of the media must contact the Corporate Communications team first. Please do not approach our staff directly. 

The UHMBT Corporate Communications team does not operate an on call service outside of normal office hours. Any enquires received outside of normal office hours will be responded to as soon as possible but this could take at least two working days due to pressures related to COVID-19.   

For any urgent out of hours communications and press matters that can’t wait until the next working day to be picked up by the Corporate Communications team, please call the hospital switchboard on 01539 732288 who will be able to transfer you to the on-call Senior Manager.

All proposals will be considered and accommodated where possible and appropriate. Proposals for filming can be emailed to, and should include the following information:

  • Name and organisation
  • Production working title
  • Delivery format
  • Target audience
  • Duration
  • When it will be shown / whether it has been commissioned
  • Purpose of production
  • Proposed subject/s covered by filming (including staff and patients)

To enable us to provide a condition check, the requester needs to provide the patient’s full name, date of birth and address. We will only release the information if we have this information and we have the patient’s or their next of kin’s consent.

Please note that we will not release full details about the patient’s condition or injuries. We will only confirm a brief indication of the patient’s condition, such as they are stable, seriously ill, etc. Once the patient is discharged from our care, we will not release any information.